Coastal water nearby river (estuary) is turbid. Does all of it originate from the river?

Coastal water nearby river (estuary) is turbid. Does all of it originate from the river?

Most of the time it does, but not always.. Some of the estuaries are very shallow. Strong river currents or strong winds extract material from the bottom of the shallow areas, and bring it to the surface water. The phenomenon is called resuspension. This is reflected in both true-color images and turbidity interpretations as if turbid water were flowing from the river, although in certain circumstances the turbidity may also originate from a sea or lake area outside the river.

Example (River Kokemäenjoki, Pori)

The combined effect of strong wind and high river flow observed in the shallow estuary of the Kokemäenjoki river (25 Feb 2020):

True-color image in Tarkka

Turbidity interpretation in Tarkka

Turbid River Kokemäenjoki