True-color images

True-color images

True colour images of satellite observations illustrate well various natural phenomena and changes in the environment. The formation of true color images is explained in Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat are true color images?

The true-color images presented in Tarkka service are produced by a processing service maintained by Sinergise Ltd:n (Images originate from Sentinel Hub). Syke has created the visualizations to the true-color imagery that suit for the Finnish light conditions to facilitate optimally the observation of phenomena, especially those visible in the optically dark waters, that are characteristical for the Finnish water type.

True color images are available since 2002.

Sample images

Figure 1: Lake Ridasjärvi and annual macrophyte growth. On the left: in late May and on the right: macrophytes in August, the year 2018. Contains modified Copernicus data, Syke (2018).

True color images can be used to visually monitor the algal situation in lakes, especially those lakes that are rich in algae each year.