General information on Tarkka service

Tarkka is a public service of the Finnish Environment Institute Syke, where you can browse and view Syke’s open satellite data. The map interface of the service is designed to present both high-resolution (10 m - 60 m) and medium-resolution (300 m - 1 km) satellite data. The service can be found at tarkka.syke.en. For more detailed instructions, see the Tarkka User Manual.

Tarkka’s most important materials are daily true-color images and water quality interpretations. The true color image data covers observations produced with Sentinel-3 OLCI, Sentinel-2 MSI, Landsat-8 OLI and Envisat MERIS satellite instruments since 2003. Water quality interpretations (including surface temperature, turbidity and surface algae) have been available from different regions since 2003. The materials are described in more detail in the Materials section of the wiki.

More observations are added to the service every day. True color images are updated for the service in the afternoon of the observation day after about 4:30 p.m. Water quality interpretations are generally published in the afternoon after the observation day. From time to time, there are delays in the availability of images, independent of Syke, which are mostly due to problems with the European Space Agency’s (ESA) image distribution service and will be resolved within a couple of days. Longer interruptions and changes in the service are announced on the News from the Tarkka service page.

In addition, the service is occasionally supplemented with materials from previous years as well as compilation datasets or interpretations on various topics.

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