Syke’s Tarkka service and WQeMS project

NOTE: The WQeMS project has ended and this page is no longer actively maintained. Thus some information below may be outdated. For example, the current name of Tarkka+ service is Tarkka.

The purpose of this page is to explain how to use Syke’s Tarkka service within the context of the WQeMS project. The overall objective of WQeMS is to provide an open surface Water Quality Emergency Monitoring Service (WQeMS) to the water utilities’ industry leveraging on the Copernicus products and services. In Finland the WQeMS service provision focuses on the pilot lake of Lake Pien-Saimaa. As an already existing and widely used system for accessing EO based materials from Finland and the Northern parts of the Baltic Sea Tarkka+ complements and takes advantage of the services provided by the WQeMS system for the Finnish pilot lake. The WQeMS project has provided, for example, additional in situ data for algorithm testing and validation, and a framework for additional services such as detecting oil spills and changes in the land water transition zone.

The following datasets are now available in Tarkka+:

Quick instructions:

The panel on the left allows you to select datasets for viewing. Relevant materials include Reference stations under Additional GIS data and Station sites and Lake Pien-Saimaa automated observations under Timeseries.

You can use this Example link to open Tarkka with these datasets preselected (change the language to EN from the upper right corner or Tarkka+). You should now see station icons on the map:

Clicking a station (left button of the mouse) opens the time series panel. You can choose several stations and add them to the plot. Deselecting a station is done with the right button of the mouse.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action programme under Grant Agreement No 101004157