HISP (crowdsourcing)
Notify about satellite obsearvations
You can notify about satellite observation phenomenas by using a notifying form. Currently, there is only a notification form of Lake Ice Service which can be found under the theme Lake Ice Service in the right side of the Map Viewer:
Zoom to the phenomena visible in the satellite obsrvation until it fits the red dash-box (you can close the notification form to zoom in the map)
The form automatically saves the phenomena’s
Tarkka-url to the phenomena, and
the central coordinates and the coordinates of the outer corners.
Choose one from the following three choices:
You can also notify other ice-cover phenomenas (multiple choices)
You may also give a description of the phenomena into the text field. Please leave out all the personal information!
Note! Notified phenomena come publicly visible to the Lake Ice Service interface
Additional information on finding phenomenas from satellite observations
Report problems or send improvement proposals by email to havaitsemaan@syke.fi.